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A Compliment

I can’t say enough about Alan.  He has changed my life—truly.  This is not hyperbole.  I would not have been able to live in this wonderful environment for the last 15 years without my partnership (and now great friendship) with Alan. 

I have worked with Alan Dormaier for 15+ years and 3 renovations.  He has worked with us when we had limited funds and when we had more funds, and all three experiences were exceptional.  Additionally, each of the redesigns were different…one used as much of our available furniture as possible supported by consignment furniture and reupholstering.  The the 2nd one was a 50-point evolution of the house—interior and exterior.  This renovation called upon both his architectural acumen as well as his design experience and esthetic.  The third evolution (2021) was a complete revamp of the downstairs and a refresh of the upstairs.  He completely designed, from his own drawings, an enlarged, functional kitchen that defied the space and did so with elan.  Alan ran the project (not fun with the lack of resources due to Covid) and also created an incredible enviroment for us in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Working with Alan is fun, no drama and very practical. When I first met Alan, he told me that he was all about paying for the items worth paying for and not for those that didn’t matter.  You can use both HomeGoods items and high-end one-of-a-kinds.  He suggests you apportion your budget accordingly and not buy for the sake of buying…wait until you have the RIGHT thing.  This is hard for me, but I trust his judgment totally.  Alan is about practicality—the farm kid in him.

One final thing. When you are second guessing a decision, don’t ask him if he ‘really thinks so’.  He does .  Trust him…he is the best!

Patti Cain-Stanley

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